Survey on the generosity and impact of Covid in 2020 by VEF-AERF

The Association for Ethics in Fundraising (VEF-AERF) has set up a survey on generosity in 2020 and the impact of Covid. The survey is open to all Belgian associations and foundations that appeal to the generosity of the population.

Covid-19 has led to a profound disruption of social life over the past year. The pandemic and the protection measures have undoubtedly also had an impact on fundraising. However, reliable figures and objective data are lacking. Nor do we know the effect of the temporary increase to 60% of the tax deduction for donations in 2020. However, these data would allow VEF-AERF to make a more targeted intervention with the public authorities.

VEF-AERF is also taking this opportunity to try to clarify income from legacies. In the Flemish Region, from July 2021 onwards, duo legacies will be treated differently from a fiscal point of view. VEF-AERF also wants to try to intervene in this dossier with more knowledge of the reality and the figures, in the interest of the sector.

You can fill in the survey in Dutch or in French.

VEF Peiling naar vrijgevigheid en impact COVID in 2020

AERF Sondage de la générosité et l'impact de la Covid en 2020


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