Over FAB Conference on Recruiting and keeping the right fundraisers

FAB Conference on Recruiting and keeping the right fundraisers

What do you look for in a fundraiser? What competences are needed? How can management and HR attract the right people for the job and how can they give the right support to keep these people in the team?

FAB Conference on Recruiting and keeping the right fundraisers

What do you look for in a fundraiser? What competences are needed? How can management and HR attract the right people for the job and how can they give the right support to keep these people in the team?

  • Short overview of analysis job offers for fundraisers (Sanne Holvoet, HOGENT)
  • Overview of general competences and roles for fundraisers (Ilja De Coster)
  • Hilde Boeykens (managing director SOS Kinderdorpen België) on commitment and clear vision on fundraising from management
  • Wim Van der Linden from Randstad Group on general HR developments and employer branding
  • Panel discussion on recruiting the right fundraisers and keeping them in your team with: Puhie Demaku (head of fundraising department Broederlijk Delen), Jeroen Van Hove (Head of Fundraising Oxfam Belgium - Strategies & Leaders), Wim Van der Linden (Randstad Group)

Language: Slides are in English, speakers and panelists speak their mother tongue

When? Thursday 29 September 2022 (from 09.30 AM to 12.30 PM.)

Where? Brussels, Pianofabriek, Fortstraat 35, 1060 Sint-Gillis

This conference is suited for:

- head of fundraising teams, fundraising managers, fundraisers, people responsible for HR in non-profit, ...

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