Vorige activiteiten

Vorige activiteiten

    • Online

    Conference on ethics and defending fundraising

    What is ethical fundraising? And how do you cope with negative messages about fundraising in the media?

    • Online

    Education session 'General introduction into fundraising'

    In this general introduction to fundraising, we focus mainly on the basics of fundraising.

    • Online

    Conference on gamification and VR in Fundraising

    During this conference you will get information about gamification in fundraising (theoretical information and cases by a gamification evangelist) and cases by fellow-fundraisers about gamification and Virtual Reality in Fundraising.

    • Online

    Education session ‘Storytelling’ by Rudy Pieters

    Stories instead of slogans. And that is good news for fundraisers, because organizations in social profit and government have loads of authentic stories. We just have to find them.

    • Online

    Conference on ‘Impact in fundraising’

    This conference will handle the concept of ‘impact’ in fundraising.

    • Online

    Conference 'Data and fundraising'

    What will change with the new GDPR-rules in may 2018?

    • Online

    Conference on how to deal with legacies?

    More and more people donate their inheritance (or a part) to charity.

    • Online

    Education session: Strategic Planning for fundraisers

    This program is intended for fundraisers who determine and control the strategy of their fundraising. Participants preferably have some more experience in fundraising.

    • Online

    Education session Fundraising Basics

    This course is targeted at people who are new to fundraising and/or marketing.

    • Online

    Conference: major donor fundraising + special interest group

    Conference: major donor fundraising + special interest group

Fotos vorige activiteiten


De activiteiten door Fundraisers Belgium worden mede mogelijk gemaakt dankzij de spelers van de Nationale Loterij.

Wordt jouw organisatie ook partner?

Fundraisers Belgium heeft een netwerk van partners die co-branden met ons
kwaliteitsnetwerk aan beslissingsnemers in de fondsenwervingswereld. Stuur een mail naar

info@fundraisersbelgium.be als je graag meer info wil over partnerschap met onze vereniging.